Geneva, N.Y.: A new crowdsourced exhibit, Growing Up In Geneva, is now on display at the Geneva Historical Society. The topic was chosen through a survey distributed on the Historical Society's Facebook page and email list. The topic choices were: Growing up in Geneva, Crafts and Hobbies, Coming Home (military personnel returning home), Drinking in Geneva (locally-made beverages), and Celebrities in Geneva. The clear winner was Growing Up In Geneva.
The Growing Up In Geneva exhibit features images from our collection captioned with comments posted on our Facebook page. The memories include area restaurants, bakeries, and dairies, as well as recreation spots, schools, and influential figures in the community. Stop by to see if you recall the same places and things in Geneva’s past. Growing Up In Geneva will be on display through January 2019.
The Geneva History Museum is located at 543 South Main Street. Winter hours are Tuesday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Admission is a suggested donation of $3. Parking is available on the street or in the lot at Trinity Episcopal Church. For more information call the Historical Society at 315-789-5151.
A Crowdsourced Exhibit, Growing Up in Geneva, is Now on View
Finger Lakes Visitors Connection
Finger Lakes Visitors Connection is the tourism promotion and management agency for Ontario County. Our mission is to create visitorship and economic vitality for Ontario County by marketing its tourism assets and positioning the area as a premier leisure and meetings destination.