Winter Weekends Are Snow Much Fun in the Finger Lakes

It’s winter in the Finger Lakes, and after a full week of work, you’ll be looking for fun things to do! The Finger Lakes has all kinds of events for friends, couples and families. Get ready to get out and experience art, music, outdoor activities and local culinary favorites. Are you ready for some winter-weekend fun?…

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Finger Lakes Must-Sees: Courtesy of an English Couple

When Paula Jankowski from England sent us a message, wondering what there was to do in winter in the Finger Lakes, we couldn't wait to shareall our favorites spots! Carol and our intern, Taylor, got right to work, putting together a list of "must see" stops. Paula and her husband enjoyed their vacation in the Finger Lakes, and then sent Carol a lovely note, describing the fun adventures they found. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to ask Paula if she would take some time to put her thoughts in a blog for us, as well as share some of her travel pictures. She agreed! Read below and enjoy our world from the perspective of someone who lives thousands of miles away. …

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9 things to do in the Finger Lakes this winter

When winter weather comes to the northeast, a few misguided folks flock to the south, but they don't know what they're missing! While the south may be warmer during the winter, there are plenty of ways to escape, relax and rejuvenate right here in the Finger Lakes that you would miss out on…

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A Snowy Day - a Facebook Snow Show

Our son called us from Atlanta. The temperature there – about 55 degrees. He’d heard we were getting some snow, so he was checking in and being a true New Yorker, “wished he was here because he missed the snow.”  It’s always fun to be in town when a record is set. February 16, 2016. 17.9 inches of snow! This gives all of us "FLX - Finger Lakes" folks certain bragging rights. And, show off we did. I asked my son how he knew about our snow and he simply said, “all the Facebook posts.” …

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USAToday confirms the Finger Lakes have the best state parks in the country!

The Finger Lakes are home to some of the greatest state parks in the nation. For the people who live in the region, we know this to be true. USA Today confirmed our insider’s knowledge with the announcement this week of the top 10 state parks in the ENTIRE United States of America. American voters have designated Letchworth State Park as the #1 in the US. And as if that wasn't enough, Watkins Glen State Park came in at #3! Finger Lakes Visitors Connection would like to extend our congratulations to our friends in Livingston and Wyoming Counties, home to the "Grand Canyon of the East", Letchworth State Park. Kudos to our friends in Schuyler County, home to Watkins Glen State Park, the oldest state park in the Finger Lakes region…

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Don't give up Ithaca, there's so much to do in Ontario County!

Come on, Ithaca, we thought you were tougher than that?! I guess we’re just built a little hardier here in Ontario County.  I’m sure we can find some extra mittens for anyone in Tompkins County afraid to go out in a little snow.  Maybe you can use the white flag that's been waving as a scarf? Of course, we're just having a little fun here with our good friends in Ithaca because we so appreciate their sense of humor regarding how to deal with this winter that seems to want to go on and on. We also know that all of us here in the Finger Lakes share wonderful winter assets that are worth bragging about - even as the snow is piling up and the temperature wants to hover around...brrrrrr degrees. …

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A winter state of mind is a great state of mind in the Finger Lakes

As I write this, it’s 36 degrees outside (January 19, 2015), a relative “heatwave” given the temperatures we’ve had in the area (just yesterday it was 2 degrees – and no I did not forget the zero – that would be two degrees. I enjoy stretching my mind to think what I should write in this blog. Of course, in those ponderings, I can’t help but think about the weather. After all, it’s right in front of me and envelopes us every day, for better or for worse.  I say we focus on the better!    I thought back to my conversations in the last couple of weeks and although they’ve been about the weather a bit, I must say that I am amply impressed with how positive they are.  We Finger Lakers are, overall, a very positive bunch; at least the ones I hang out with. Maybe that’s why we’re in tourism because we tend to be optimists. How do I make the most of this situation?  It’s important to keep that tone and that attitude when you’re sharing why tourists should come visit here…

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Six ways to keep warm in the Finger Lakes

Brr… that’s right - it’s that time of year when you find every way possible to keep warm. As Nat King Cole puts it “Baby it’s cold outside.” So kick back and relax while enjoying your favorite glass of a warm Finger Lakes something. Maybe it’s a cup coffee from Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters or mulled wine from White Springs Winery.   Here are some more of my favorite Finger Lakes “goods” and tips to keep warm this winter…

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