The Ghost of Roseland Park

Roseland lives in the memories of many!

Roseland Park operated in the area of what is now Lakefront Park for 60 years, until 1985. “Roseland” included a sky ride known as the “Satellite” that went out over part of Canandaigua Lake. It was supported by concrete stanchions in the water. For years, one of the two stanchions has been used as the base of the Canandaigua Lady ticket office, while the other has remained just off the shore of Lakefront Park. It has been a visual eyesore in the lake. For several years, the idea of installing public art on the unused stanchion has been discussed. Recently, a group of Canandaigua residents worked with local artist, Benji Carr, to envision a sculpture proposal designed to recognize the beloved Roseland Park. Mr. Carr has named the sculpture “The Ghost of Roseland Park”.