Naples, NY - Enjoy the purple this weekend, Saturday & Sunday, 9/29 – 9/30, from 10 -5pm both days. This weekend marks the official grand opening of our event center, the Wine Barrel Bistro at Arbor Hill.
We will feature the grape in many delectable ways. Grape juice, grape pies, grape bars, grape tarts, grape cookies and for the first time ever we will highlight hot grape sundaes, wine sauce sundaes, and grape floats all made with Pittsford Farms Dairy spectacular ice cream.
The Wine Barrel Bistro is right next door to Arbor Hill Winery and Brew & Brats at Arbor Hill restaurant. This quaint historic building is already booking private events such as wedding showers, retirement dinners and birthday parties.
All of these decadent delicacies will be available the following weekend when we celebrate Columbus Day with the same hours.
About Arbor Hill
Arbor Hill is a family-owned and operated winery in the hamlet of Bristol Springs in Naples, NY. The award-winning winery opened in 1987 and specializes in new grape varietals, such as Traminette, Valvin Muscat, Noiret, Aromella and historical grape varieties like Vergennes, Moore's Diamond, Iona and Diana. Arbor Hill makes 28 different wines and over 57 gourmet food products.
In 2011, Brew and Brats at Arbor Hill opened in the historic carriage barn adjacent to the winery's tasting room and gift shop. The restaurant couples locally-made sausages with its own craft beers and complements them with a few of their very own gourmet sauces, like the Sherried Wine BBQ Sauce.
The Wine Barrel Bistro at Arbor Hill was the original home for Arbor Hill Grapery & Winery in 1987. The building once housed the South Bristol Post Office and a butcher shop. For a dozen years the Brown Hound Bistro made this their home.
For more information visit or call 585-374-2870.