Canandaigua Lady, Canandaigua

Must Do For Groups In The Finger Lakes

The Finger Lakes love groups and groups love the Finger Lakes! With picturesque landscapes, award-winning wineries, stunning architecture, and nationally significant history, it is not surprising that the Finger Lakes are such a popular group destination.  This curated list of group-friendly experiences will help you mix traditional and unique for a perfect tour experience. 

2 Hours+

Plan on at least 2 hours or more for these awesome experiences at:

1 Hour+

At least an hour or could be a little less at these other experiences:

  • Red Jacket Orchards – Take a juice processing tour followed by a visit to the farm market store for tastings and shopping.
  • Lazy Acre Alpaca’s - Kiss the alpacas and take home some new warm socks.
  • Wet your whistle tasting at these cool wineries and breweries, with some also offering tours: Arbor Hill Grapery, Brew & Brats, Inspire Moore, Naked Dove BreweryBelhurst Winery, White Springs, Finger Lakes Wine Center at Sonnenberg, and Heron Hill.
  • Sweet Expressions Chocolate Galore & F. Oliver's Vinegars & Oils – Locally owned and operated shops that are great for tastings and gifts to bring home.
  • Wizard of Clay – Watch the Wizard, Jamie, create functional and beautiful pottery and shop in the store for unique ornaments, vases, mugs and more.
  • AWA Communication Technologies Museum – Old meets new in this collection of communication devices.
  • Joseph’s Wayside Market – Sample a homemade grape dessert bar at Joseph’s, specializing in locally made gourmet groceries. 
  • Rose Hill Mansion – Experience a taste of 19th century life and become a drain tile expert!  
  • Canandaigua City Pier – Stroll by the historic boathouses for a remarkable picture opportunity.
  • Wegmans Market Café - Delightful dining and shopping at this family-owned supermarket chain founded in 1916.
  • Hiking –  Both easy and challenging hiking trails are to be found just about everywhere!

For the adventurous create an adrenaline-filled tour!