My boyfriend Scott and I have saved the date (June 27) for a very special event. But we are not wearing anything special and we really don’t care if it rains or shines that day.
In fact, the more rain before Kirby’s Kompound Mud Bog, the better.
What’s a mud bog, you ask? It pretty much boils down to grown men playing in the mud with their trucks. And a grown woman like me says it’s a hoot to watch.
It all takes place in a huge field that has been dug into deep “bogs.”
Trucks, cars and vehicles of all shapes and sizes try to pass through these mud-packed trenches. Drivers test their skill and stamina and try to drive the bog. Speed is not their goal. They are simply trying to cross the bog without getting stuck.
But if they do, a rescue team will go in with tractors and pull these bogged down vehicles to safety.
It’s all just for fun, as there are no prizes awarded at Kirby’s Kompound, just bragging rights. If the trucks weren’t noisy enough, there are throngs of spectators gathering around the perimeter to watch and cheer on their favorites. It can be a real family event. What kid doesn’t like big trucks flinging mud every which way?
The host for this event, Kirby, has been “mudding” for 10 years and hosting his own bog for five. It takes him months to prepare the tracks, with the help of about 30 volunteers.
“For the love of the sport” is what motivates him to host Kirby’s Kompound Mud Bog. That and “making all the kids smile.”
If this is your first time at mug bog, a word of caution. Wear clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. I learned this lesson the hard way my first year when I showed up in a new white T-shirt. It didn’t take long for a Jeep ripping through the course to land a big cake of mud on my shirt.
There are some good eats at this event as well. My favorites is the $5 Taco in a Bag, pictured here. Thankfully, it does not include mud.
Kirby’s Kompound Mud Bog
When: Saturday, June 27, 2015. Gates open at 9 am. The event runs from noon to 5 pm. If you miss the event this time around, Kirby’s Kompound will host the event again on Aug. 29 at the same time and location.
Location: 4203 Armington Road, Palmyra.
Cost: $10 per person, kids 12 and younger are free.
Good to know: Concession stand available with food and non-alcoholic beverages. No pets or glass are allowed.