One year ago, November 5th, life changed for me. I became one of those people - a grandmother. Most of you probably already know this because, yes, I have taken all the liberties associated with my new position. I have pictures on my smart phone, ready for anyone's viewing pleasure. I have videos of a little tiny person who has simply found "the horn" on a little tractor, and for some reason that fascinates me to watch him blow that horn for longer than the average attention span on YouTube these days. My mind occasionally devolves into thinking in rhymes and reminiscing about itsy-bitsy spiders.
As life changes have happened, occasionally, my mother's words reverberate in my ears. And, in the case of my new grandson (oh, did I say his name is Hudson, and am inserting picture here!), my mother's words ring through again.
Many of you may know that my mother is fondly called, "the Rev. Mother". Somehow in her position as mother - and as a Methodist minister - she has these phrases that make you think about your principles and your actions. (It's so annoying sometimes to actually know that she's gotten into your psyche, but I'm sure she loves it, ha ha, I do digress). In this case, as I am exuberantly showing some new victim (generally one of my tourism associates) my most recent videos or photos of the cutest baby on Earth, my mother's phrase that went something like this, "take pride, but be careful with being proud," rings in my ears. What is that supposed to mean, I think? Where's the fine line between being proud and taking pride? And, what's the difference?
So, how does this all relate to tourism and marketing and selling Ontario County's assets? Well, while I mostly wanted to just dedicate this blog to being a proud grandmother - and making sure you all know it - I also wanted to share how my feelings for the great lifestyle we have here are also something in which I take great pride.
Back to the story of pride and proud.
This is a great place to grow-up. And as people have heard so many times before from me, "a great place to live is a great place to visit." With Hudson, I can have fresh eyes in showing off my destination, and since he doesn't get the emotion of pride or proud yet, I'll just declare that both are appropriate in this phrase.
I am a proud grandmother who takes pride in the Finger Lakes Region and what a great place this area truly is for everyone, whether they are just turning one year old to my wise mother - who is just 77! I hope I don't slip into the "too proud" category, but gosh it's tough in this situation, and maybe this is one that you'll all allow me a pass on.
Loving life, loving the Finger Lakes. Please join me in sharing the pride!
Valerie (Grandma) Knoblauch