Canandaigua, NY - On Thursday night, millions of people tuned in to watch the season finale of the NBC hit show, "The Office", and millions of people heard about the Finger Lakes. A character played by Jim Carrey, was being interviewed to take the position of the outgoing boss, played by Steve Carell. 
Carrey's character really wanted the job, but was apprehensive to take it because the rest of his family was in the Finger Lakes. He said, "I want the job, I really do. It’s just the rest of my family is in the Finger Lakes right now. I was supposed to be in the Finger Lakes right now. I told ‘em I was on a hike and snuck away to do this interview. I gotta get back pretty soon or they’ll worry. People disappear in the Finger Lakes."
The clip featuring the Finger Lakes can be seen here.
Finger Lakes Communications Manager AJ Shear is happy to see the Finger Lakes brought to the attention of such a large audience. "The Office is one of the most watched show on television and to be mentioned as a vacation destination on the season finale is a really big deal," said Shear. "And Jim Carrey was smart to say he was going on a hike! We certainly have wonderful hiking in the area. Hopefully the conversation about the Finger Lakes will continue. Ed Helm's character Andy Bernard loves mentioning his college years at Cornell and all the characters can be seen drinking Wegmans soda. Who knows, maybe they'll visit the Finger Lakes next season!"
As for disappearing in the Finger Lakes, Valerie Knoblauch, President of the Visitors Connection said, "With all there is to do here, it certainly is easy to disappear! That's exactly what we want. We want people to come here, enjoy the wine, the hiking, the culture and just disappear from their day to day life for a few days. In fact, we'll give them all the tools they need to do it!"
For more information about all the great hiking, click here, or call the Finger Lakes Visitors Connection at 585-394-3915 to receive a free Finger Lakes Hiking and Biking kit.
Finger Lakes Visitors Connection is the official tourism promotion agency for Ontario County and is located at 25 Gorham Street in Canandaigua. For more information, please

Contact: AJ Shear, Communications Manager 585-394-3915