I am a creature of habit doing things that I enjoy and this year isn’t going to be any different. Scott and I are counting down until Sunday, September 6th to ride in Marty’s 30th annual Labor Day Poker Run for motorcycles (the majority are Harleys but all are welcome to join in).
Riding along in the Bristol Hills, we like to stop on the way for breakfast at the Brown Hound Bistro and enjoy a mouthwatering creation with locally sourced ingredients created by chef and owner, Trish Aser. Riding on the bike lets us take in the aroma of the many acres of fresh grapes along County Road 12 through Naples on the way to Wayland, now that’s what fall smells like!
Once in Wayland, we will join about 300 other bikes at Marty’s Cycle Shop to officially register, get a map for the ride, pick our first playing card to start our “poker hand” and buy signature t-shirts. Everyone will take off together at noon, headed to destinations which change each year. We will make at least three stops in neighboring towns getting playing cards at each location. Some of my favorite places to stop are at Lock’s Stock and Barrel, in Canandaigua, and the Naples Hotel and Middletown Tavern, both in Naples.
At the end of the day you will find everyone at the Wayland Rod & Gun Club where we will see who has the top poker hands from the day and win some cash or door prizes - I have never won, but it is fun to play and who knows maybe this is my lucky year! Another tradition is gathering together to watch the “bike games”. Our friend Adam always finishes first with his custom Harley in the slow race, followed by the keg toss – yes that’s right, an empty beer keg is tossed into the air like a shot put to see how far away it will land, believe it or not there is some skill to this!
There are trophies and bragging rights for those that are crowned winners for the day. Of course I am also looking forward to the good old-fashioned comfort eats, including grilled cheeseburgers, mac salad, baked beans and a salt potatoes plate – yum! Along with the bike show there will also be a live band for some great music and camping is available on the grounds after a bonfire that night.
Normally we put on approximately 200 miles during this laid back Sunday, just soaking in some of the most scenic landscapes in New York. One thing I do know is that the ride is always a great time, hanging out with fellow bikers is a lot of fun, everyone is really friendly, considerate and everyone has a super day saying good bye to summer and hello to fall on this glorious September day in the Finger Lakes!
Date: Sunday, September 6, 2015
Cost: $10.00 per person/bike and $10.00 per rider
Host: Marty & Janice Clayson
Registration: Marty’s Cycle Shop, 11101 Clayson Road, Wayland, NY 14572 585-534-5459
Final stop: Wayland Rod & Gun Club, 2222 Dieter Road, Wayland, NY 14572