“A flower she sleepeth, but is not dead.”
– Headstone of Frankie Tubbs, circa 1850, Baker Cemetery, Richmond, Ontario County, New York.
Places of historical significance, happy or sad, often have a certain feeling or energy to them that keeps people returning time and time again. The same is often true of places that bear some emotional significance. These places can become locations of peace, of centering, of focus; in particular, right around this time of year the appeal of one such type of location grows strong…
Cemeteries, some slowly losing a battle against time themselves, others simply lost over the years, are scattered across the region and provide some excellent photo opportunities, give a fascinating glimpse at the lives of those who came before us, or simply offer a peaceful retreat from the rapid pace of our daily lives. New York State’s history and heritage means that our roots go deep, leaving remnants of the past strewn across the state, and the Finger Lakes region is no exception.
Here our cemeteries carry stories, such as that of Sergeant Daniel Bissell, a Revolutionary War hero who was awarded the third ever Medal of Honor. He moved around the northeast after the war, eventually moving to Richmond, Ontario County, and lived out the remainder of his life here. His original headstone, which was replaced, can be found in the Honeoye-Richmond Historical Society Museum in the Town of Richmond Town Hall.
It reads, “In memory of Daniel Bissell – Died August 5th 1824, Aged 79 years – He had the confidence of Washington and Served under him.”
For information on cemeteries around the area follow this link.