Can there really be a National Drink Wine Day? February 18 is the magical day - every year. With all of the amazing wine available to all of us that are lucky enough to live in the Finger Lakes, we like to think of every day as Drink Finger Lakes Wine Day…
A few weeks ago my wife asks me, “Let’s spend the day down in Naples and do something fun?” I replied, “Sounds like a plan!” Having a 7 month old and in the midst of remodeling our kitchen - time poverty was high in the “Lee” household. The next challenge, secure a babysitter. Success! We found a babysitter and had 4 hours to experience Naples! We know that isn't enough time but off we went. I planned a quick itinerary in my head that started us out in South Bristol and finished in the heart of Naples. To my surprise, the majority of these upcoming stops my wife had never experienced before and that was about to change…
Grape pie, Finger Lakes Rieslings and "other" wine tastings, more grape pie, purple fire hydrants, more grape pie and some Concords here and there … the Finger Lakes Region goes purple in Naples this weekend. The Finger Lakes will remain blue – but everything else this weekend is designed to…