U-Pick Farms in the Finger Lakes

Food tastes best when it is fresh. In the Finger Lakes Region, you will find that our restaurants, businesses, and small markets live by the saying, “shop local.” We are so lucky to have a tapestry of foods grown locally here, as well as “u-pick” farms where you can pick your produce. We will…

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Farmers Markets in the Finger Lakes

When the calendar flips to June in the Finger Lakes, we go full summer mode. We’re talking boat rides, hiking, dining outside, glasses of wine on patios and decks and enjoying all things fresh and local. Enter: Farmers’ Markets. Finger Lakes farmers’ markets offer a unique opportunity to get up…

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Things to Do: Geocaching—An Outdoor Activity Anyone Can Try

Hiking the trails of Ontario County is fun to do in any season, but if you’re looking to add a new twist to your next adventure, consider Geocaching.Remember to adhere to social distancing guidelines when you head out! Simply put, geocaching is a treasure hunt. It’s the activity of hunting for, and finding, a hidden object by using GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates that are posted on the Geocaching website. The game is completely free, and you can download the Geocaching app to most smart phones, or you can purchase a hand-held GPS device to help you find hidden geocaches. Once you have the app or a GPS device, you can start finding hidden geocaches anywhere around the world…

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Best Places to Bike in Ontario County

One of the top reasons to visit the Finger Lakes is to experience the natural beauty and breathtaking vistas (after the wine, of course!). With rolling hillsides, wide open spaces and breathtaking views, cycling through the Finger Lakes is an optimal way to explore the region…

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7 Best Dog-Walking Spots in the Finger Lakes

Game nights, happy hours and co-ed sports leagues all make for great memories and moments—with fellow human beings. But when it comes to unconditional love in the form of happy howls and giddy licks, there’s nothing better than some quality time with your little fluffle snuggins. That’s right, we’re talking about dogs (and puppies). Time and time again, dogs prove that they’re more than just pleasant space heaters in cold weather or protectors against rascally squirrels and do-badders. They are loving, jumping, licking, barking, hunka hunka furry loves and it’s time to take them on the W-A-L-K they deserve. But these aren’t just any walks—these are the seven-best dog-friendly walks in the Finger Lakes…

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Spring Into Action With 5 Rejuvenating Activities

It’s this time eachyear when some of us emerge from our homes like grizzlies from their dens. Shaking off the indoors and winter temperatures to step into longer days and welcomed sunlight. People rekindle forgotten New Year’s resolutions with passion and excitement. You see the overeager among us in shorts and T-shirts, while the crocuses are still dusted with frost. Whatever category you find yourself in, now’s the time to get outside and spring into action!  What are you waiting for…

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11 Finger Lakes Races to Run in 2019

Who said vacation needs to be all relaxation? For those looking to get a little cardio in during your Finger Lakes getaway, there are many organized races taking place throughout the year that you can participate in—from a mile-long fun run to the Canandaigua Ultra…

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